Tuesday, August 11, 2009

fat bottomed girls make the rockin' world go round...and make for great television.

Hellllloo everybody. How are you this evening? Good? Good. How am I? Well I would be better, but I was unfortunate enough to catch the end of an awful FOX show called "More to Love" this evening where I witnessed overweight girls fighting to win the heart of an equally overweight "normal" (how FOX is pitching him) man. As I was finishing up a late dinner, I was hanging ten through the channels when suddenly I came across a show I thought was The Bachelor. I then took a second look at the excited girls when I suddenly realized that they were bouncing around more than Barney Frank on a pogo stick. THESE GIRLS WERE FAT AND ON A DATING SHOW. I have nothing against fat girls, I have nothing against fat guys, I have nothing against anyone (for the most part,) but what I do have a problem with is reality TV dating shows that try and cater to the "fat" demographic. I mean, it is complete bullshit. People like watching dating shows because (if anything) they like to live vicariously through the people on the show, not try and directly relate with them! Like, when fat girls are watching The Bachelor they want to BE the skinny girl who gets picked by the hot guy. They like the fact that when they are watching the show they can imagine themselves to be the skinny pretty girl for a sec, and not the fat girl sitting on the couch at home. And remember the "normal" guy? The guy who is overweight himself? Yeah. See it's just not fair. FOX is sending all of these mixed signals. It's like "Hey you can be fat and be on a dating show, but since there is no chance in hell you're gonna score someone attractive, we are gonna give you a normal fat guy to go after." It's actually very funny. If FOX is gonna let fat girls be on a dating show, they need to have other dating shows that allow for other people who usually wouldn't be considered get their chance as well. For instance, I'm proposing a dating show for the blind called "Braille Tail" or a dating show for people in wheelchairs called "Wheel Chance at Love." Do you see what I'm getting at people? The reason I think that this show is ridiculous is because it labels these fat girls as FAT GIRLS! It just screams "Even though these girls are fat, they can still be on this dating show because FOX understands and appreciates fat people, but we will be naming the show 'More to Love,' because, after all, fat girls are hilarious." Despite what I may think, I guess these girls do wanna be on the show and be known for being "that fat girl on that fat girl reality dating show" for the rest of their lives. If that's fine with them, it's fine with me. It gives me something to smile about and, more importantly, gives fat girls everywhere hope that maybe someday they will get to meet an overweight, totally normal and unexciting guy, just like them. Thanks for giving them hope FOX!

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